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We just wrapped this and I wanted to get it to you. It’s called Pastor’s Daughter and it‘s a bit of a love song really. Here’s a little sample.

Nick Hornbuckle, (2019 Juno nominee for 13 or So), is my first cousin and a friend of mine. Notice the infinitely cool “evening out” effect Nick generates over my lumpy tempos. It took us awhile to get this done; Nick’s busy as heck with John Reischman and the Jaybirds - watch for tour dates - as he has been for over twenty years. Takes time out every year for the family reunion here in Eugene, just like me.

I like the little man in this song, he’s kinda like me… because he’s run into something that’s a lot bigger than the stolen kisses he had in mind… sweet as they are.

I thought it was done in late 2008, the song, but… something kept nagging me… later that summer, finally, on a hillside in Nevada, with jackalopes and scrub jays for audience, and the sun in the west, my guy, the little guy in the song got up his nerve to call her mom and ask what happened? Where’d she go?. So yeah, he’s on the edge of stuff he really doesn’t understand… all he ever wanted was to play a pretty song on the guitar and steal a kiss.

Derek Lamson

Next up, and hot off the press is Marguerite, a big fat gooshy love song I’m so proud of I could spit. Written spring/summer 2007. Sample it here.

I will just add that the early 00s were pretty rugged for me personally. I was getting sober and then quickly getting divorced; then very quickly I went on mission and travel abroad to Africa. At best it was disorienting. Sometimes ecstatically cool - but disorienting. Part of God’s plan for me was to be cared for by friends when I needed it.

These songs say thank you. I hope you like Marguerite, and I know you’re going to like Pastor’s Daughter when it drops March or April, but don’t let it make you cry, it’s just a song.


Evening all. Missed our Feb 1st song drop schedule so I’m making it up to you by dropping two new songs on the website this weekend: the first, a very fun rockabilly praise thing called

Where Do These Praises Come From?

With Nate Macy playing the role of Brian Setzer…

I’ve mentioned the challenge of discerning a composition/writing date; songs also just get started as tuning exercises, arpeggio warmups; you hear something and it triggers something and you're off. But when did this one happen? I think it was after Africa but before Ruba; I remember playing it at West Hills and saying to K.D., “I’m not sure what this is,” and her saying, “Dude it’s rockabilly.” We started singing it Sunday morning with the three-part backup pretty early. Let’s say 2008. Recorded summer of 2021 in the West Hills Friends sanctuary… (a nice recording space). Listen for Nate’s electric guitar; listen for the doo-wop backup singers… count your blessings! Adam Sweeney mix, BTW, really nice.

The second song we’re publishing this month is the first of a couple of love songs going onto this album. First up is called Marguerite, a big fat gooshy love song I’m so proud of I could spit. Written spring/summer 2007. I should perhaps add that the early 00s were pretty rugged for me personally. I was getting sober and then quickly getting divorced; then very quickly I went on mission and travel abroad to Africa. At best it was disorienting. Sometimes ecstatically cool - but disorienting. Part of God’s plan for me was to be cared for by friends when I needed it. These songs say thank you. I hope you like Marguerite, and I know you’re going to like Pastor’s Daughter when it drops March or April, but don’t let it make you cry, it’s just a song.

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