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Derek Lamson music &'s finally here!

Coming next to:
Mon. March 13th
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Roseburg. Eugene writer Derek Lamson brings his time-traveling friends and neighbors, Roman soldiers, pigs, sushi chefs, and Oregon Trail pioneer ancestors along when he returns to the AAW Writers’ Group regular meeting at the Roseburg Library to report out on his debut graphic novel Mark V: The Opera (2022, Barclay Press). Lamson will share from his new book, and his diy/indie production experience. Monday March 13th, 11:15 a.m. Public Library. Free.
1409 NE Diamond Lake Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470
Eugene: Saturday, Dec. 10th,
New Zone Gallery
Book and album party
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
110 E 11th Ave, Eugene

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